Tuesday 22 July 2014


This really spoke to me at the Keswick Convention, especially as there have been many times during and since leaving Agape that I have felt 'paralysed'; cut off from God, walking down a dark, scary and unknown path.  But...
God has not forgotten me (or you) and I know that I have some truly amazing friends who have continually brought the light of the Lord into my darkness and reminded me that the darkness has been conquered - Jesus is the victor and no-one and nothing can ever change this.

I pray that you will be blessed and reassured that no matter how dark things are at this time, you have a friend first in Jesus and I too hold my hand out for those who wish to grab on as we walk on our journey of faith...

Sunday 20 July 2014

Sermon of the Pigs....

My husband and I have just returned home after going to Keswick Conference in the Lake Districts; we were blessed by various speakers giving us the Word of God.  I am always amazed at how God answers prayer as I have been praying for true teaching of some of the so called Sermons Dr Masocha gave.  I can still hear and see Dr Masocha say 'Am I preaching good?' What normal preacher says this?

I am going to share with you Dr Masocha's 'teaching' on what he calls the Pigs.  And the teaching from Ivor Poobalan from Sri Lanka on the same section of Scripture.  I pray that this will show how poor Dr Masocha's knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures is...

I give thanks to Ivor for the most awesome teaching and the blessing he brought to those at Keswick.

Ivor Poobalan below:

Thursday 10 July 2014


I would like to thank the lady for sharing this very insightful information with us...

Most of you know that Water Masocha's mother was here early this year and was at the Agape services laying hands on the 'Agaped sheep'. On her flight home, she befriended a lovely lady who has never had any association with Agape who on her return from Zimbabwe researched and gave me some unbelievable stuff about her encounter with Walter's mum aka Gogo Agape.

Commissioner Hedwig & Gogo Masocha

Attache Caroline (Stirling) & Gogo Masocha

She wrote everything as recorded in Shona:
I met this old lady who had about 4 layers fo clothes on her. She advised me she had connected her flight from new york. I knew that the flight had not connected and she told me her son  owns new york, it then transpired that the son has a house cosinewyorkin scotland.I will write most of the conversation as it went
'Ndiri kubva ku newyork kwemwana wangu.Umba yake cosinewyoki hombe cahizo.Ini ndine mwanwa wang akaita rombo rakanaka akatorwa nevarungu vakamupinza chikoro. Varungu vakazomudana kuno kuti apedzise chikoro. Saka akatanga chechi yake agape ikakura ikaita mukurumbira pasi rese. Ndakambovuya varungu vaive vazere vachimuunganira mwana wangu vachimunamata asi iye zvino chechi yaparara hamuchina arimo. Pandakambovuya ndakarongedzegwa madrum masuitcase aisafema nembahla asi gwendo guno ndangopiwa tumonarch tuiri badzi. Vanhu havazivi kuti dambudziko rose mukadzi wake. Mwana wangu akanditaurira kuti mhai mukadzi airamba kukwirwa pabonde saka chechi yacho yaive izere mvana dzisina varume saka semunhu wemurume aingono rapira shungu kumvana idzi. Vanhu havazivi kuti mukadzi uyu hunhu hwaanoratidza hausirihwo.Anonyepera humai as mweya uri paari hausiwo bodo.Handina kumugamuchira nekuti yaive mvana ine vana vaviri yaingopinda pinda uyu aive nemukadzi wake nemwanakomana paakaita chihure ichi.Vanhu vapera muchechi vachiti mhosve ndeyemwana wangu asi indva yemukadzi. Mwana wangu ndiye azonditi mhai virikidzai hembe nekuti mukadzi akaoma moyo iyeye, wanga asingadi kuti nditore mbahla.Pandakambovuya chechi yose yakandipa mari nezvinhu ndikatosiya zvimwe asi iye zvino haa hamuchina arimo, chechi yauraiwa nemukadzi uyu.Akachatisa mwana wake ndipo pakatanga vanhu kubuda ipapo.Yokubhinya vanin'ina vemukadzi, varamuka saka hazvinandaa nekuti uyu mukadzi akamutora iri mvana ine vana vayo saka wakapindira varamu'
Can some translate please for those who do not speak shona

Monday 30 June 2014

Business or Church?

After some research I have found out how the beginnings of Agape did not start through lying prostrate in St Andrews, it was a business venture not a new vision for a new generation, as sold by Dr Masocha. There was nothing new at all as everything was copied and pasted from FIF. Even to when conferences are held!  We can see the similarities even from the fliers that are produced for conferences/special events.

AAs we already know Dr Masocha attended FIF before going his own way and starting the 'movement' of Agape. In FIF Dr Masocha who preached in Agape that the Holy Spirit interrupted his former leader ( in a David/Samuel sort of mission from God) actually sought and begged for leadership without the qualifications. In FIF one of the requirements for Pastorship is a bible school qualification which he didnt and still doesnt have.Once qualified and appointed, a pastor needed to be full time with no secular job.  Dr Masocha caused a stir among the qualified leadership after he was ordained and demanded for a full pay but kept his post at the university. The church became divided and there arose some resentment (rightfully so) among the qualified leaders seeing as Dr Masocha became so puffed up and belittled his qualified colleagues at every opportunity parading his David kind of 'anointing'.

Dr Masocha in actual fact (unbeknownst to the real pastors) had duped his former leader by leading him into believing he would bring a lot of white people into the fold. He led the founder of his former church to believe that the white Scottish people had never heard of an elder and didn't understand what an elder was and that if he became a pastor they would understand. Dr Masocha in actual fact duped his former leader by leading him into believing he would bring a lot of white people into the fold. It is further alleged that Dr Masocha's womanising and paedophilia behaviour increased; and even raped a young girl who became pregnant and ended up having an abortion, signed for by Dr Masocha who then in one of his most evils acts, named one of his young innocent sons as the perpetrator (The family of this girl now get payouts as silencing money,shops and posh cars). Those who who were gullible and didn't know the behind the scenes facts were lied to and led to hate other leaders believing they were persecuting Dr Masocha.

Because of these allegations, Dr Masocha was called to a meeting from the head people of FIF to answer to these allegations, and to be disciplined and was asked to step down as a pastor.  This happened the week prior to one of FIF big events and in his pride, bitterness,embarrassment and mostly unrepentant attitude, he started Agape that very weekend. The new 'vision' was birthed. 

As with every venture there need to be investors and on board was Charles, Ian McHardy and Maxwell the paedo. Charles and Ian  invested a considerable sum, but the agreement was that Agape would only be based in Scotland.

There was a man Charles who now came up with the idea of starting a church that would be based only in Scotland and had a vision of purchasing a house and using it as church, offices and home for the 'persecuted' pastor. Charles knew the housing market and was able to find Cosy Neuk for Dr Masocha at a reasonable price, and it was through his passion, he found Cosy Neuk (that's why there was never a testimony) which Dr Masocha and Jezebel Judith wanted saints to believe was a miracle. Things soured between them when Dr Masocha in his greed and roving eye for babies and women of all types started expanding taking Agape into England, Africa etc.  Charles wanted out of this venture now and approached him for getting his investment back; only to be told he couldn't have it! Dr Masocha in his true form of divide and rule, had won over the other team members and turned them against Charles, just like he did in FIF.

Ian McHardy also invested into the Agape venture, with money that he received as an inheritance.  This explains why he is in control of the finances as he doesn't want to lose his investment.  Ian went from being the Youth Envoy to being only on the board as when his wife left they started to attend another church together.  Ian still shows up at Agape's main events and so has each foot in different worlds, so to speak!

Maxwell was vulnerable and out of work after his arrest for sexual assault, when he was approached by Dr Masocha to do the media of Agape.  He was told what to film and what to edit from the DVD's so there can be no come back, or evidence of misappropriate conduct; eg. Asking for money; the time when he told people that they were healed and should stop taking their medication, which lead to disastrous consequences. (I have watch many of the DVD's looking for these incidences but they have been deleted.) It is alleged that Maxwell was told by Dr Masocha to not worry about getting accommodation as he would be travelling through out the country doing the media, so he went from house to house of those within Agape.  He pleaded poverty and never gave anyone a helping hand when staying with them, however, he was getting money from the sale of DVD's. Maxwell has also reinvested some of this money back into Agape as an investment.

To me it sounds as if this was planned as a business venture as if it was of God, God would have made a way for this movement to start without all these people putting large amounts of money down.  Also, why would God grow his church in such a disjointed way where there were only two or three meeting together, costing these few people to pay for everything?   In fact every Satellite (Church) had to fund their own venue, and any other expenses.  Not one leader was paid by Agape and if there were any shortages it normally fell upon them.

I can remember when Dr Masocha was coming to visit our Satellite there were things that needed to be bought for him to use during the service and a meal for after.  For example: Nivea cream; Vaseline; mints; mouth freshener; cloths and specific bottled water chilled to the right temperature.  If he had a break during preaching, all these things would need to be exchanged for new.  Mind you, people wanted the open ones because they were 'blessed' because the 'man of god' had used them!

The meal prepared for Dr Masocha and his wife was different to that of anyone else, and it went down the pecking order as the Envoys and Evangelists were given a better meal that the normal attendee of the church. The price of one of these days cost my husband and I £500 to cover all expenses; even though this was a lot of money for us to use, it was what was expected of us to do and we were so blind we paid it happily!!!

I will go on the next time about what some of this business venture has paid for........

(I have not forgotten the other items mentioned... they are still works in progress)

Friday 20 June 2014


Going through so many DVD's the one thing that is common and now I find sickening is the ways that Dr Masocha is introduced.  He is idealised to the point of being a 'god' and they focus on what is commonly known as the 'Five Fold Ministry'.  Have a watch and see...

The Five Fold Ministry comes from Ephesians 4:11; 'It was he who gave some to be:
  1. Apostles
  2. Prophets
  3. Evangelists
  4. Pastors
  5. Teachers
When we read the verse take note of: some to be; no one person is to have all the gifts.

I found the following explanation, it is well worth the read and gives a better understanding in what the verse is talking about.  Remember if you are not sure what is happening in your church to be right, turn to God/Jesus and His word to find the answers; do not rely solely on man.

Saturday 14 June 2014

The Madness of Titles!

I saw this posted on my Facebook page and thought it rather apt for the times we are living in as so many men of God (?) want more and more titles; I am not sure if it gives them self importance or is it used to dupe vulnerable people into following them.  Probably both!

We are able to see this with Dr Masocha as he started gathering more and more titles... (this is before the Archbishop naming)

by: Johan Daniel Rich & friends

What is this obsession some church leaders have with labelling themselves with lofty titles and dodgy accolades? Apostle bishop Proudmouth is sharing a platform with Prophet pastor Moneygrab and Evangelist elder Selfpump and the bill also features Rev Doctor Tritetrot and Doctor Deacon Pseudoheal. Come on guys, maybe I should start introducing myself as Educator Lifecoach Rich and tack on a few of these plastic doctorates as well. If you're leading a strong growing and vibrant work of God he will ensure that you are duly rewarded and honoured and he will show you ways of promoting HIS work in ways that honour HIM. This publicity stunt stuff is silly especially in the hands of amateurs.

 It's just a thought, but the Gospels seem to indicate that Jesus favourite reference to himself was "the son of man" (basically, "a guy like you"). He occasionally demurred to being called rabbi (teacher) which was not a particularly high status honorific but there is no record of him using it himself in self-reference and on at least one occasion he rejected it. He also never directly seemed to refer to himself as the anointed one (Christ/Messiah) or the son of David, although he sometimes led others to draw that inference and did not reject the attributions.

Maybe a case of 'fooling most of the people most of the time' even if amateurish.

The unfortunate reality is big titles fill empty minds... People are so desperate for substance and a manifestation of God's power in their own lives,and too many speakers attempt to fill that need (and their pockets) with prosperity gospel and other 'pseudothruths'...

Rich, I totally agree. :<)

LOL . . . totally agree . . . If this was on a page we could tag some ministries, unfortunately they wont see it from here 

I did some investigation. You can grab yourself a DDiv for under a $100 US. In fact, the postage us more expensive than the "degree".However, it's a DD "honoris causa" (oxymoronic if ever there was) and so, properly, you do not add the honorific to your name. But if you're a "poseur", that won't matter, will it?

I do believe that as we are approaching the end times as many prophecies are being fulfilled.  These people are wolves in sheep's clothing and we need to be wary of them, as they will and do use scripture but it is twisted to their own agendas.

Confessions of an EE and others mentioned before......
(We are working as quick as we can in gathering information, pls be patient as we have lives away from the blog)

Sunday 8 June 2014

Blog, finances and more.......

Having been working with some people to obtain information about 'He is still my dad' blog, to discover who has been the director of the information on it.  Even though we know it was not actually written by Dr Masocha it is clear that he is the one who is behind it.

So... it appears that Dr Masocha has got a new phone and number to 'hide' behind to keep an eye on the blogs and what people were contributing.  The Agape people were told that he was not available by phone, yet he has used Judith's phone and also this new phone. Judith's phone was used to call the 'chosen' within Agape but you can see from the new phone's bill pictured below that he raked up a massive amount of internet time.

We now have proof that Judith gets a salary and that Agape pays a pension plan for her each month, and that she also pays into it.  We were always told that they only got a pittance and love offerings...... these guys were milking our money and using money that was given as tithes which is to be used for doing God's work.  Unbelievable......

What do we have here?  Looks like there has been some action on this Barclays account in America.  Sadly, we can only speculate why this account has been used to draw funds.  Are they feeling the pinch now with so many people having left and some still leaving?

Hands up... how many of you know that Dr Masocha has sold his Jaguar? He always made out that he loved that vehicle and kept it in pristine order; so why now to sell?  I was also told that he doesn't update his details with many of his bills still going to Forth Park.  Depending on which ones (wish I knew them) it can be illegal not informing the relevant authorities!

Again money meant for the Lord's work is getting used - this time to pay for parking fines!!!  The person driving the vehicle regardless that it is an Agape vehicle should be responsible for these fines, but then it is a media vehicle and who is incharge of media - Maxwell, and he has been involved with the Agape scam right from the very beginning!

As I dig and speak to many people I continually am shaking my head at what I am finding out! This church is more of a business to make money for the elected! I will be bringing more information of this at a later date.  Please be aware that there is a lot of time and effort in doing this...... plus more importantly..... I have a life outside of blogging and digging for this information!

Tuesday 27 May 2014


Before Agape

Self-ordained Arch-Bishop

Dr Masocha is a man who follows his own agenda and everything was/is for personal gain regardless of who gets in the way. Information has come from very close connections based in Zimbabwe to help us get a clear picture of Dr and Mrs Masocha.

Before Agape
Walter left his young and vulnerable wife to be with an older woman, Judith.  Judith was well known in Kambozume township for her philandering ways. It was often a spectacle in this town to see Judith getting beaten up by disgruntled housewives whose husbands she was sleeping around with. She then gained the title sisi Judi meaning which I have been made to understand was a tittle referring to her loose morals. Even her own brother used to beat her up out of embarrassment  and Judith then acquired a place in Moffat Heights which became a den of iniquity and where she used to hold her filthy liaison with the married father of one, toyboy Dr Evil. After much suffering and pain of his young wife Sheila, he finally moved and set up home with Judith in Cranbourne where the current Bishop for Zimbabwe Mapingure resides.
In Agape

He left his wife for the older woman and started his ‘vision’ then which was to rape the whole clan as we know and girlfriend Judith was well aware of these filthy acts and actually prepared his vulnerable young sisters and cousins for the  ‘beast’ (those who attended couples know that he referred to his private part as the beast coming out) It has been quite shocking to discover that the evil sisters were anywhere near Cranbourne and  not allowed to join them, because Dr Masocha did not want to be embarrassed in front of his colleagues (not United Nations!!).  He was embarrassed about their age difference and didn’t want anyone to see that he had left a young graduate wife for this older trollop. Whenever Judith was meant to go and see her girls, she never went, it was all empty promises, leaving them upset and bewildered as they did not understand why their mother treated them like this.  It was only after Dr Masocha and Judith moved to Scotland and managed to raise the money for airfares by pleading poverty (as ex-Agapeans have experienced) did the girls come over and meet their mother’s live-in boyfriend. (Yes it is true, they are not married!).

lder woman, Judith.  Judith has two girls, Sandra and Sharon, both from different fathers.  When she got together with Walter, he was still married (and still is!), Judith left her girls with her mum in rural

Sandra’s late father was the only consistent person in her life, but once she came to Scotland she forgot about him and became a ‘Masocha’.  You can surely see the similarity between mother and daughter, I went to college with Sandra and she tried to lure a married man too!!!!

She did not even invite her father or any of her real relatives to her fancy wedding.  This wedding which has cost many people money for gifts they could not afford as they were told by Dr Masocha they would receive blessings for their part in giving.  These people were snubbed and hurt as they did not receive an invitation, although it was known in Agape that weddings were normally ‘open’ to everyone within Agape, but there are different rules for the ‘chosen’ in Agape.

Sandra & Geoff @ recent wedding acting like it was for them
The Lewis family (Judith’s and Sandra’s kin) have a very deplorable past and present with Dr Masocha.  Dr Masocha has been busy paying members of this family to keep quiet about his sexual predatory behaviour.  Sadly, the biggest abuse has been in this Lewis family, including Judith’s own mother. SHAME ON HER! The Lewis family has accepted this beast (Dr Masocha) into their fold, even though they know all that has happened to many family members and is more focused on the financial support (God’s stolen money). To quote straight from Harare ‘regai asungiswe nevamwe’ (let others report him) is how she has been encouraging relatives to take money from Walter to keep quiet about the heinous crimes he committed. Also hammering home the fact that take money and forgive (or is it greed?). Rape is not something that you can forget because you are driving a new car. Its traumatic.
At a recent Wedding in Agape, the family acting as if it was for them
Judith’s mother who lives in rural Zimbabwe has had electricity put into her home, which is nearly unheard of in these areas.  Her neighbours are shocked and appalled at the change in her attitude and speak of inappropriate behaviour fr
om a man (Dr Masocha) who is her ‘son-in-law’ or Judith’s partner.  It was witnessed that he slapped her bum in greeting, picking her up whilst hugging her and kissing her during his last ‘mission’ where he ended up at her homestead (photos to follow soon)  The neighbours speculate at the relationship and the familiarity between son in law and mother in law and wonder how far the beast went. Dr Masocha has even testified from the pulpit he buys all her underwear and knows the correct sizes.  She is currently in the UK, having flown first class which was paid for by Dr Masocha (or is it Agape?).  It appears that she has been brought over here to try and save Masocha by denying the truth of what has transpired within the Lewis family. 

Ted Lewis, the eldest brother of Judith, currently residing in Zimbabwe is driving a truck and paid thousands to silence him, so he won’t speak out about his sister’s abuse. He goes to Agape and tells them that all that they are hearing about Dr Masocha and any abuse allegations are lies, even though he knows differently.

Richard Lewis has been given a flat in Glasgow, which again is at the expense of his sisters misery.  He has also witnessed Dr Masocha abusing Judith.  Again money talks – or not talks as it is to silence him.

Juliet Lewis and her husband Ronnie have been given a large house in Harare and a car.  Juliet got a serious talking from Judith for having spoken about her rape, saying especially after Sandra’s wedding. Sadly Geoff has been lied to, so Judith was running around trying to cover up any 'stories' as she was worried it would hurt Sandra’s wedding. Not sure if she used this before or after laying hands on the ‘church’ agape pretending to be a prophetess.
Car bought for the sister who was abused from age 9 to 14.
 Juliet also suffered abuse from the age of 9 years old for approximately 5 years. She has even said that her son’s father is Dr Masocha’s, but is going around Agape saying it is all lies.  Judith convinced her sister to keep quiet and accept the payoff to protect Dr Masocha.

Beauty Lewis is currently staying illegally in the UK, and uses alias to keep under the immigration radar so she can work.  She was in Agape and left to attend another church, but has since returned.  WHAT INSPIRED HER?  Her penthouse was paid off and she is now very active within Agape. Rumour has it she was advised by the prophetess of doom, her sister Judith, to leave her husband as reported by our spies remain in this cult for information purposes.  The cult that is supposedly meant to bring families together!

Once the court case begins, get ready for explosive emails that have come from within the Lewis clan, one relative strongly advising all those married in this god forsaken Lewis family with children born after the beast got together with the beast to do DNA tests because the real truth lurking in this saga is  SHOCKING. 

Money has destroyed lives in this clan. Just a snippet of Judith’s youngest sister’s response after she pocketed thousands as payment for Water’s evil crimes against her and her relatives:

This sums up the Lewis family - showing how trivial rape is in the face of bribes!
From a girl younger than Sandra being brainwashed by Judith to dismiss the abuse

  • Evidence of the real owner of the Agape blog
  • Some of Dr Evil’s transactions
  • Confessions of an EE (masocha bodyguard)
  • Real testimony of his real wife and much more

Tuesday 20 May 2014

AREA 1 GET TOGETHER - 27/09/09

The beginning show how Dr Masocha was exulted and raised above everything else.  The way he was met at the airport; the laying of jackets; the decorated car just mention a few.......

It goes on to the beginning of the get together where Dr Masocha calls HIS TEAMS..... they were meant to be performing for the Lord.... but I have now come to know that it was for this man's benefit.

BTW.... I just love Sharon in the DVD at the airport.... she looks like a wild woman performing some type of ritual!

Monday 19 May 2014


There are some serious false teaching in this DVD.  It is sad that it is so easy to get caught up in what is said as it is repeated over and over with slogans that sound like the truth.  This is why we need God/Jesus to give us discernment and continue to test all that is said by the word of God.

An area that has concerned me for a while is the word 'anointed' as we hear it said often in many contexts.  The phrase that has been connected with Dr Masocha is: 'touch not my anointed' and it is said that his anointing will transfer to another as long as they are willing to receive it.  This is false teaching!
We are anointed by the Holy Spirit as believers of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for us.  Jesus told us a comforter would come to help us after he ascended into heaven.  This is the Holy Spirit who lives in us once we have given our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ, we become born again.

I have done some searching on-line to help understand what anointed means and how it relates to Scripture; we must always refer to Scripture for the truth when it comes to symbolic and catchy phrases within church practices to protect ourselves from straying away from the truth/ Jesus Christ.  Please take sometime to read the page on this link below:


Friday 16 May 2014


I have started to notice that Dr Masocha plays up to women when he is preaching, in both his mannerisms and speech!  His explanation of his anointed cloths and perspiration is a lie and even if it was the truth the way he goes about it, it is disgusting!
I have copied the explanation from a well known commentator on the bible about the 'conference of the trees' to give an more accurate understanding.
Covers the scriptures Dr Masocha talks about
We have here the only testimony that appears to have been borne against the wicked confederacy of Abimelech and the men of Shechem. It was a sign they had provoked God to depart from them that neither any prophet was sent nor any remarkable judgment, to awaken this stupid people, and to stop the progress of this threatening mischief. Only Jotham, the youngest son of Gideon, who by a special providence escaped the common ruin of his family (v. 5), dealt plainly with the Shechemites, and his speech, which is here recorded, shows him to have been a man of such great ingenuity and wisdom, and really such an accomplished gentleman, that we cannot but the more lament the fall of Gideon's sons. Jotham did not go about to raise an army out of the other cities of Israel (in which, one would think, he might have made a good interest for his father's sake), to avenge his brethren's death, much less to set up himself in competition with Abimelech, so groundless was the usurper's suggestion that the sons of Gideon aimed at dominion (v. 2); but he contents himself with giving a faithful reproof to the Shechemites, and fair warning of the fatal consequences. He got an opportunity of speaking to them from the top of Mount Gerizim, the mount of blessings, at the foot of which probably the Shechemites were, upon some occasion or other, gathered together (Josephus says, solemnizing a festival), and it seems they were willing to hear what he had to say.
I. His preface is very serious: "Hearken unto me, you men of Shechem, that God mayhearken unto you, v. 7. As ever you hope to obtain God's favour, and to be accepted of him, give me a patient and impartial hearing.' Note, Those who expect God to hear their prayers must be willing to hear reason, to hear a faithful reproof, and to hear the complaints and appeals of wronged innocency. If we turn away our ear from hearing the law, our prayer will be an abomination, Prov. 28:9.
II. His parable is very ingenious-that when the trees were disposed to choose a king the government was offered to those valuable trees the olive, the fig-tree, and the vine, but they refused it, choosing rather to serve than rule, to do good than bear sway. But the same tender being made to the bramble he accepted it with vain-glorious exultation. The way of instruction by parables is an ancient way, and very useful, especially to give reproofs by.
1. He hereby applauds the generous modesty of Gideon, and the other judges who were before him, and perhaps of the sons of Gideon, who had declined accepting the state and power of kings when they might have had them, and likewise shows that it is in general the temper of all wise and good men to decline preferment and to choose rather to be useful than to be great. (1.) There was no occasion at all for the trees to choose a king; they are all the trees of the Lord which he has planted (Ps. 104:16) and which therefore he will protect. Nor was there any occasion for Israel to talk of setting a king over them; for the Lord was their king. (2.) When they had it in their thoughts to choose a king they did not offer the government to the stately cedar, or the lofty pine, which are only for show and shade, and not otherwise useful till they are cut down, but to the fruit-trees, the vine and the olive. Those that bear fruit for the public good are justly respected and honoured by all that are wise more than those that affect to make a figure. For a good useful man somewould even dare to die. (3.) The reason which all these fruit-trees gave for their refusal was much the same. The olive pleads (v. 9), Should I leave my wine, wherewith both God and man are served and honoured? for oil and wine were used both at God's altars and at men's tables. And shall I leave my sweetness, saith the fig-tree, and my good fruit (v. 11),and go to be promoted over the trees? or, as the margin reads it, go up and down for the trees? It is intimated, [1.] That government involves a man in a great deal both of toil and care; he that is promoted over the trees must go up and down for them, and make himself a perfect drudge to business. [2.] That those who are preferred to places of public trust and power must resolve to forego all their private interests and advantages, and sacrifice them to the good of the community. The fig-tree must lose its sweetness, its sweet retirement, sweet repose, and sweet conversation and contemplation, if it go to bepromoted over the trees, and must undergo a constant fatigue. [3.] That those who are advanced to honour and dignity are in great danger of losing their fatness and fruitfulness. Preferment is apt to make men proud and slothful, and thus spoil their usefulness, with which in a lower sphere they honoured God and man, for which reason those that desire to do good are afraid of being too great.
2. He hereby exposes the ridiculous ambition of Abimelech, whom he compares to the bramble or thistle, v. 14. He supposes the trees to make their court to him: Come thou andreign over us, perhaps because he knew not that the first motion of Abimelech's preferment came from himself (as we found, v. 2), but thought the Shechemites had proposed it to him; however, supposing it so, his folly in accepting it deserved to be chastised. The bramble is a worthless plant, not to be numbered among the trees, useless and fruitless, nay, hurtful and vexatious, scratching and tearing, and doing mischief; it began with the curse, and its end is to be burned. Such a one was Abimelech, and yet chosen to the government by the trees, by all the trees; this election seems to have been more unanimous than any of the others. Let us not think it strange if we see folly set in great dignity (Eccl. 10:6), and thevilest men exalted (Ps. 12:8), and men blind to their own interest in the choice of their guides. The bramble, being chosen to the government, takes no time to consider whether he should accept it or no, but immediately, as if he had been born and bred to dominion, hectors, and assures them they shall find him as he found them. See what great swelling words of vanity he speaks (v. 15), what promises he makes to his faithful subjects: Let them come and trust in my shadow: a goodly shadow to trust in! How unlike to the shadow of a great rock in a weary land, which a good magistrate is compared to! Isa. 32:2. Trust in his shadow!-more likely to be scratched if they came near him-more likely to be injured by him than benefited. Thus men boast of a false gift. Yet he threatens with as much confidence as he promises: If you be not faithful, let fire come out of the bramble (a very unlikely thing to emit fire) and devour the cedars of Lebanon-more likely to catch fire, and be itself devoured.
III. His application is very close and plain. In it, 1. He reminds them of the many good services his father had done for them, v. 17. He fought their battles, at the hazard of his own life, and to their unspeakable advantage. It was a shame that they needed to be put in mind of this. 2. He aggravates their unkindness to his father's family. They had not done to him according to the deserving of his hands, v. 16. Great merits often meet with very ill returns. especially to posterity, when the benefactor if forgotten, as Joseph was among the Egyptians. Gideon had left many sons that were an honour to his name and family, and these they had barbarously murdered; one son he had left that was the blemish of his name and family, for he was the son of his maid-servant, whom all that had any respect to Gideon's honour would endeavour to conceal, yet him they made their king. In both they put the utmost contempt imaginable upon Gideon. 3. He leaves it to the event to determine whether they had done well, whereby he lodges the appeal with the divine providence. (1.) If they prospered long in this villany, he would give them leave to say they had done well, v. 19. "If your conduct towards the house of Gideon be such as can be justified at any bar of justice, honour, or conscience, much good may it do you with your new king.' But, (2.) If they had, as he was sure they had, dealt basely and wickedly in this matter, let them never expect to prosper, v. 20. Abimelech and the Shechemites, that had strengthened one another's hands in this villany, would certainly be a plague and ruin one to another. Let none expect to do ill and fare well.
Jotham, having given them this admonition, made a shift to escape with his life, v. 21. Either they could not reach him or they were so far convinced that they would not add the guilt of his blood to all the rest. But, for fear of Abimelech, he lived in exile, in some remote obscure place. Those whose extraction and education are ever so high know not to what difficulties and straits they may be reduced.

Thursday 15 May 2014


This is about the Threshing Floor which I have been in contact with a Pastor who is helping me to dissect the book, showing the teachings to be floored.

Please forgive me for the time it takes to get these posts up but it takes a lot of time sorting the DVDs ready to post on the blog.

I pray that these are teaching and releasing you from the evil clutches that Agape had on us so that we can move forward in faith, praising and worshipping our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as set out in the bible.

Friday 9 May 2014


This is the final part of this DVD; I have found that although he has wild ideas and some rather strange stories to tell, he mixes it in with good Biblical advise.  This is how he has managed to confuse and deceive people by making them think it is of God.  But remember, even the Devil knows the Scriptures and trembles in fear.  Dr Masocha does not appear to be trembling before God.....



Friday 2 May 2014


DVD dated: 09/04/09

Going through the pile of DVD's I have managed to get I found this one - one I had never heard of!
It covers quite a few topics and some more of the strange but true false facts of how Agape came about! 
Please share your comments and any experiences you have had....

Does anyone know Dr Masocha from his earlier years?  Are we able to find out if it is fact or fiction about the United Nations job?

Thursday 1 May 2014


And before I reveal the name just now in a minute, let’s all go to the book of Mark 10:28-30 (please refer to your bibles) The Lord says as you are in Gilgal today, Mark ch.10 this is for all of us.

During the Word being read Dr Masocha stops Hazel where it says ‘houses and…’ this is the promise of the Lord who says, those who follow me, you shall receive, what? 100 fold.  But I don’t know about you Vivian, but you can tell me what a 100 fold is? It is up to you to define your 100 fold. It says, as you follow. The Lord was saying to me this morning, those who come with you in this vision, they shall, that includes you, as we will be serving God, but in different ways, but as you are going to be serving God in different ways, everyone shall receive their 100 fold. And Aaron (?) fold is going to be different from Walter (?) 100 fold. But it is up to you to define your 100 fold. It doesn’t say you may receive or might receive, my god, my god, but you shall receive, Miriam, your 100 fold, glory be to Jesus. (?) you shall receive your 100 fold, you define who are here, as a prophet of God I promise..(?) the Lord gave this to me. Everyone who is coming on board, they as a start, they shall receive their 100 fold. And I want you in your spirit to define, Aileen, what your 100 fold is.  I don’t know what that is, but you know what it means to you.  Those who are on the stairs, you need to define what your 100 fold now, and receive it, Amen.  What else shall we receive, for following Jesus and doing whatever they want to do.  (Hazel reads; but he shall receive a 100 fold, now in this time.)  Now in this time, not when you die. (Hazel continues to read; houses, and brethren,) Raise your hands if you are looking for houses? If you are looking for accommodation somewhere. Here is your promise. The Lord says you shall receive houses, he did not say one house, no he said houses. Hallelujah. You shall receive houses. Hallelujah. You can have a house in Harare, you can have a house in Honolulu, you can have a house in Hong Kong. You shall receive houses. Wherever you want, it is a promise, for followers.  God said to me, these people who are following you shall receive this, houses. What else? (Hazel continues to read: and brethren, and sisters) You can say enough of that. What else? It’s a promise, God was saying those that follow shall receive in this present day, brethren, and sisters. Hallelujah. If you are believing God for a brother somewhere, the answer is simple, you shall receive a brother. Hallelujah.  Praise be the Jesus, you don’t have to struggle or fight for land, you don’t have to fast for them, you shall receive, it is a promise, the bible says, His promises are yes and amen. Hallelujah. Brethren and sisters so if you are still believing for marriage, your promise is there, you shall receive. Hallelujah.  How many of you are believing God for brethren? Believe God he is coming. Don’t be shy sister, don’t be shy. You are allowed to get married. How many of you are believing for sister and sister, they shall come, yes when the time comes.  What else shall we receive? And mothers and children and lands, with persecution. You know when you follow this ministry, those who didn’t have mothers, you shall find mother in the ministry. Our God is a good God. You’ll find a father in the ministry. Our God is a good God. You shall have children if you didn’t have children, in this ministry. And those who…oh my God, my God, miracles, signs and wonders shall follow them that believe. And guess what in this ministry we believe every one of them. Hallelujah.

I like Jesus who said; Greater things shall you do. Last night I was challenging him. You know I said to someone, Jesus is more real than you people sitting here, to me he is more real than all you guys sitting here, because he speaks to me every day, visits me every day, I talk to him like I talk to my friends, our God.  So I reminded him yesterday about that scripture, I said Lord Jesus remember you said this, greater things shall you do, Lord I can’t wait for that. I want to do greater things than you did, and he said, and you shall do.  So watch this space. Watch this space. You ain’t seen nothing yet. Hallelujah.  Glory be to Jesus. (Hazel continues to read, and in the world to come eternal life.)  The promise is already there, you don’t just receive houses and brethren,  and sisters and mothers and fathers and everything, but you shall also receive eternal life. The Lord said to me I want you to lead my people who shall go to heaven.  What’s the point of me going to church and miss heaven? If I am going to go to church and miss heaven, then I would rather go to the pub and sit there, because what is the point of going to church and miss all whatever happens, then go and meet the guy in the pub again in hell.  Hello.  If you want to come to church you must say I want to have eternal life.  Someone sing… I want to see, I want to go to heaven….

In this day and age different church are politicking and playing religious issues, forgetting that the reason that why you are going to church is, we are preparing ourselves to meet him in the clouds.  We busy ourselves with other things but every day I want to say Oh when the saints… Paul says follow me as I follow Christ.  I said Lord Jesus Christ I am not going to want anyone to follow me unless you are with me, I don’t want anyone to follow me if I am lost.  I want to hold onto you, but whoever is following can also say….. When the saints go….. I am not starting a new church, it’s not my church, it’s his church. I am not starting because I am angry with somebody, I'm not starting because I am disgruntled with someone, I’m not starting because I’m unhappy somewhere. I am only here because the Lord said go and he said I want you to lead my people that shall worship me in spirit and in truth and I am only doing this because I am happy for people in Scotland to see their Jesus when he comes in the cloud. I am happy for people in England, ah my God that is my passion. Lead the people and they shall see him and meet him in the clouds. Hallelujah. That is my driving force, that’s what drives me today, I'm watching… you know some people start things because they are on their own agenda, because they have got their own program, you know some people start things because they are looking for money, I don’t need cash, I don’t need money, I just need Jesus, I want Jesus.  Some people start, that is why people are starting their own thing here and there for different motives, for different reasons, that’s why someone is going to say.  Someone sent me a voice message yesterday and said now I really understand that you are a man of God for so many years, because some people where say I think you must do and I was saying I don’t want to listen to that, I was ignoring it, I was not going to move, why, because God had not spoken to me.  I’ll not start my own thing. I would never start my own thing.  So I said, Lord help me, I cried and said, how can you put such a burden on my heart? You know those who know my vision, the story that is here, how many of you know the story that I shared, it is also here.  

One day when I went, I was crying and God said to me, I raised you to be a blessing to my people in Scotland, and I said Lord you have made a mistake. (you can sit down for a minute) ah, I said Lord I think you have made a mistake, you have forgotten that I’m, I’m African, you have forgotten that I have got a dark skin, you have forgotten I have got a chocolate colour skin.  I think you need to think again, what’s wrong with you God, and I cried because I was trying to run away from him. I was trying to run away from this copy (?) Then I went away to Loch Katrine and I put myself on a piece of rock, and I said Lord, either you kill me or you let me go. I wanted to go away, because I said God you have made a mistake, to bring an African person to Scotland and be a blessing to your postcode and I said, here there is something wrong,  something wrong with this one, I don’t understand you God, ah please just let me go. Why can’t you find a Scottish man, why can’t you find a Scottish woman to lead the Scottish people, to me that makes sense. You know what God did?  The Lord reminded me when I was lying on that rock, I said Lord kill me now or let me go in Loch Katrine, I will show you the place for those who are interested. One day I took some men there, I didn’t explain to him what place I brought him, as soon as he got there he was on the floor. There is something wrong with this place, something about this place, I said, ok let’s go away.  Another day I took some people just around the place and did you know some of you are here, and then they began to see a vision in the clouds and they begin to show each other, can you see that, can you see that. I was just looking and I said, let’s go.  Because people are seeing things at that place. That is the day I surrender to Jesus because as I was crying I was saying Lord let me go, you have made a mistake, I’m black, I’m this and that, and that. 

You know what the Lord did? The answer came in a very soft, small voice, he say to me, why did you not say that on the 9th February 1979? Do you know what happened on the 9th February1979? That is when I gave my life to Jesus and guess what happened on that day?  I was brought to Jesus by a Scottish man in Salisbury, at a secondary school in Highfield’s.  Good thing that it was not a denominational man, that just said, I just come here after I lead you to Christ to go find a church that suits you, you go (mumble) his words were go and find a bible believing church. And guess what happened the first door of church I went to was Highfield Revival Centre, ZAOGA in ? ZAOGA name, the first church I went to, and I have been in that church since, until today when the Lord says it’s time for you to go. Hallelujah. I’ve got a ? that I could have made easily. So God said, I want you to lead my people Scotland and so when he reminded me, why did you not say that on the 9th February?  Why did you not say, Lord you have made a mistake, why can you bring a Scottish man to come and bring me to Christ in Zimbabwe, why don’t you bring a Zimbabwean man.  Ladies and Gentlemen at that point I lost the argument. Hallelujah. He is a God of all races and all people. He can sent as Scottish man to Zimbabwe to bring many people to Christ, that’s what he did in those days, now he is taking a Zimbabwean man and I say to people I am not a Zimbabwean, I am not a Zimbabwean person, I was born where, Aileen, do you remember? (I was tempted to say Glasgow) ?? that is where I am. These things I don’t know why I am sharing them, they just came when, some people don’t know this story but they are all, I’ll have time to share all these things.  

Now the Lord said to me out of this, as you are on that scripture, you are going to have plans, many people, out of this ministry shall come, I have wrote it down here. Out of this ministry shall come a lot of evangelists, powerful evangelists, out of this ministry shall arise powerful teaches of the word, out of this ministry shall arise great pastors, who will pastor the people of God, out of this ministry shall arise great men and men and business man and business woman, out of this ministry, out of this ministry shall rise people of great power and people of great influence, out of this ministry, out of this ministry shall arise people who are gifted in healing and deliverance and all kinds of miracles, signs and wonders, they are going to arise out of new young people who are here, out of you, especially those who are seated here, put them as seed and many, many things are going to happen through these people.  God is a good God. Building a people of power, there are some people who sing the song, oh when we… it is one of the songs that we will sing in this ministry, as he is building a people of power, building us as one. Glory be to Jesus. So as mama read that scripture in Nehemiah it was confirmation, so this is where the book where I have written the vision, And now I am, has everyone got a copy, God given even the name of the ministry I didn’t give it to myself God gave me the name and I am now ready to share it with you.  The new ministry that God has given to us and (mumbling) the piece of paper that you have, as your, as your stone, that is why we had the book of Acts, It says the name is blank for you to write it down yourself, and then he says that at the bottom, ah, what does it say at the bottom, can you read it… ya then you write your name down, so you keep that yourself, somebody can come tomorrow, you know this, what God has start today. Watch this space, one years from now, you will be proud to show someone, you know what I was there on that day, you will be proud to show that paper to someone, someone, I saw someone in my spirit, people going to laminate that thing, because in five years’ time, or ten years’ time someone will say you are lying, someone will say you are kidding me, some will say you are joking, but you will be able to say, I’ve got proof. I was there on the 9th…. On the 9.. at number 9 Forth Park. I was there when this ministry was born. Glory be to Jesus.  God gave me the name, how many of you want to know?  He said the ministry, he actually gave me in the vision as I got, he says, he gave, he gave, he gave me the name, he called me, he told who he was, he said this ministry shall be called, Agape for all Nations Ministry. Let’s all say Agape. Agape is the true love of God for all nations, that is why you see Scottish people sitting there.  Let’s all say Agape. See that Scottish man say Agape, see another Scottish man there all the way from (hard to understand) Agape, Agape. Hallelujah. You see Zimbabweans and people from different countries, different nations, why is that Agape, All nations ministries that is why you can see, that, that is the reason (stuttering).  We haven’t got a proper logo yet, cos this was something that is starting.  In the fullness of time we will have a proper logo, but that, that was done quickly last night what you have there. It is only now that I am beginning to put everything in place, because God gave me this just a few weeks ago, so this is something brand, brand, brand new. Hallelujah.  Brand new.  So those are the emblems that God gave us last night, the rainbow is there, see the rainbow there? That is why the rainbow is there it represents all colours, people of all races and all nations, that is why you see the flag, the the world map, the Lord say this ministry is going to embrace every nation.  God is a good God. It is called, Agape for all Nations Ministries International.  Hallelujah. Let’s clap hands to Jesus for that one.  Why don’t you just join hands with someone next to you to pray, those who want to go members, want to say I am part of this straight, I don’t believe a thing. Just begin to pray yourself, because you are going to be a wonderful part of this new ministry. Let us thank God for, say something to Jesus because then Agape's ministry for love. People must love one another, this is the time when the church is hurting because there is all guys in the church, the love is gone, God said I want to bring my people back with love.  (continued in prayer)

Let’s all read John 15, John 13 to start with, that’s the sender that’s the core of Agape, we need Christians who love one another.  There is a Christian whom just go to church but they don’t love one another, they leave the church and go their separate ways, there is no love, but in Agape you will be saturated with love. The love of God, this is what is left in this world, and that is why God has put.. you know as God called me, he said to me, I have poured my love into you so you may pour it out to others. We need the love of God. Many people are hurting because, the only solution they need is your love. Hallelujah.  John 13:34-35 (can ? read for me; I know that you, because we don’t want to ignore those, can you represent those that are in the corridor. Please read that scripture.) John 13:34-35
Jesus himself said a new commandment I give to you, let’s all say a new commandment.  What is the new commandment?  That you love one another, here is a bit many people have missed. Love one another, but they leave the phrase that says, as I have loved you.  Now you define how Jesus loves you.  Hello church. Love one another as I have loved you.  You find, you look at yourself and say Lord Jesus how have you loved me.  We know how we mess up, do you know how many mistakes you have made, do you know how much you are damaged goods yourself, but he still gave you his love. He still loves you every day, he says, as I have loved you, you love Aaron, you love this one, you love his children, you love, you love, you love the next person next to you, love one another as I have loved you.  Think about that phrase, as I have loved you.  Our God is a good God.

John 15:12; these are the scriptures when you share with someone for Agape you say this is who we are.  Remember we started with the scripture, provoke one another unto love and good works. If there is going to be fighting in this church I want to hear that people are fighting because someone is saying you are not loving me as much as I am loving you. Hallelujah. There is a love fight in, we want to hear that people are fighting because of someone saying I love you more, I love you more, I love you more.  People are exchanging gifts of love because someone is saying I want to prove that I love you more than the other person. Provoke one another unto love and to good works. Let’s all say Yeeeaaaaaaaaa. John 15:12 (pls refer to you bible) ( (During the reading) my goodness, my goodness, as I have loved you. I can’t say it any-more. (song)  This is my commandment….

While you are standing, we can finish off now,  so you can go home, not go home, those who are ?  Those who go can go, but we have the fellowship of love here as well.  This is the book that I have got the vision written down,  but the Lord says according to the book, ah, that mama read, you have those names, there were names that were part of the Gilgal, there were names that were part of the new movement, that is why the names were listed, you can read them out, even today.  So if those guys can argue with them, you can’t argue because, go and check in Nehemiah the names is there, I was there on that day. You can’t argue with that person it had to be written down so that, the Lord said to me even in the vision those who are here today, those who want to be part of it, you are not coerced, but if you know, you feel that you are called to be part of this ministry straight away, you want to now write your name down, I do not want to write it for you.  Just write, it says here, name in full,  this is the Lord gave us this scripture, name in full, your telephone number, your town or city, your email address, just one line for each person………

Firstly I would like to ask you for forgiveness if I have made any mistakes in the transcribing of this section of the dvd.  It is the FINAL SECTION of the first Agape service.  

Dr Masocha has continued to be chaotic in his 'teachings' or when giving the vision; this proves that none of this is from God as God is not hesitant, muddled or jumping around like a flea when giving directions, or answering prayer.  Dr Masocha has also quoted biblical scriptures and has said that God will honour them in this ministry; actually God honours his Word to all that believe in His son Jesus Christ and have given their lives to follow Him; however, we must also realise that God only gives what he believes we can deal with, and in His timing.  So, how can Dr Masocha single out those sitting in Agape?  In my experience with Agape, no-one (other than Dr Masocha) could ever become home owners, or anything else as we were striped of everything, our time, our money, our emotions and even sadly people were striped of their dignity through sexual abuse.  God can and does many wondrous things but first we need to be doing HIS WILL, and it is impossible to do whilst worshipping under a fake so called man of God.

Is it me or am I reading too much into Dr Masocha's words, he is constantly putting himself higher than Jesus, he seems to believe he will do things greater than Jesus. Don't you just love the Loch Katrine story?

Has anyone ever seen him perform a miracle? Anything strange happen?  I was at a service in West Brom, where someone claimed that a man they brought to the service had his eye sight renewed, I watch on at first in amazement, then I started to watch the man who could apparently now see, and found that there had been no change....... it was all hype!

Money, money, money... isn't it funny in a rich man's world?  How often have I heard him say, I am not interest in money, I have no need for money?  Yet continually in Agape we were being told to pledge money, pay money, buy merchandise, media, love offering, envoy travel money, and the list goes on and on...... yes Agape is a place they take your money and you don't see any benefits to the church. ONLY A MANSION for the so called great prophet, Archbishop, doctor..... ummmm...... so many titles!

The one positive thing I found in this clip is what the Scottish man said to the young Dr Masocha; go find a bible based church.  Continually Dr Masocha says that you will obtain eternal life from attending church, and are almost guaranteed a place in heave if you are within Agape.  Sorry folks...... this is a lie!
There are stipulations set out in the bible how to become a Christian, one who follows Jesus Christ, and is the only way to heaven and eternal live with him. 

