Tuesday 22 July 2014


This really spoke to me at the Keswick Convention, especially as there have been many times during and since leaving Agape that I have felt 'paralysed'; cut off from God, walking down a dark, scary and unknown path.  But...
God has not forgotten me (or you) and I know that I have some truly amazing friends who have continually brought the light of the Lord into my darkness and reminded me that the darkness has been conquered - Jesus is the victor and no-one and nothing can ever change this.

I pray that you will be blessed and reassured that no matter how dark things are at this time, you have a friend first in Jesus and I too hold my hand out for those who wish to grab on as we walk on our journey of faith...

Sunday 20 July 2014

Sermon of the Pigs....

My husband and I have just returned home after going to Keswick Conference in the Lake Districts; we were blessed by various speakers giving us the Word of God.  I am always amazed at how God answers prayer as I have been praying for true teaching of some of the so called Sermons Dr Masocha gave.  I can still hear and see Dr Masocha say 'Am I preaching good?' What normal preacher says this?

I am going to share with you Dr Masocha's 'teaching' on what he calls the Pigs.  And the teaching from Ivor Poobalan from Sri Lanka on the same section of Scripture.  I pray that this will show how poor Dr Masocha's knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures is...

I give thanks to Ivor for the most awesome teaching and the blessing he brought to those at Keswick.

Ivor Poobalan below:

Thursday 10 July 2014


I would like to thank the lady for sharing this very insightful information with us...

Most of you know that Water Masocha's mother was here early this year and was at the Agape services laying hands on the 'Agaped sheep'. On her flight home, she befriended a lovely lady who has never had any association with Agape who on her return from Zimbabwe researched and gave me some unbelievable stuff about her encounter with Walter's mum aka Gogo Agape.

Commissioner Hedwig & Gogo Masocha

Attache Caroline (Stirling) & Gogo Masocha

She wrote everything as recorded in Shona:
I met this old lady who had about 4 layers fo clothes on her. She advised me she had connected her flight from new york. I knew that the flight had not connected and she told me her son  owns new york, it then transpired that the son has a house cosinewyorkin scotland.I will write most of the conversation as it went
'Ndiri kubva ku newyork kwemwana wangu.Umba yake cosinewyoki hombe cahizo.Ini ndine mwanwa wang akaita rombo rakanaka akatorwa nevarungu vakamupinza chikoro. Varungu vakazomudana kuno kuti apedzise chikoro. Saka akatanga chechi yake agape ikakura ikaita mukurumbira pasi rese. Ndakambovuya varungu vaive vazere vachimuunganira mwana wangu vachimunamata asi iye zvino chechi yaparara hamuchina arimo. Pandakambovuya ndakarongedzegwa madrum masuitcase aisafema nembahla asi gwendo guno ndangopiwa tumonarch tuiri badzi. Vanhu havazivi kuti dambudziko rose mukadzi wake. Mwana wangu akanditaurira kuti mhai mukadzi airamba kukwirwa pabonde saka chechi yacho yaive izere mvana dzisina varume saka semunhu wemurume aingono rapira shungu kumvana idzi. Vanhu havazivi kuti mukadzi uyu hunhu hwaanoratidza hausirihwo.Anonyepera humai as mweya uri paari hausiwo bodo.Handina kumugamuchira nekuti yaive mvana ine vana vaviri yaingopinda pinda uyu aive nemukadzi wake nemwanakomana paakaita chihure ichi.Vanhu vapera muchechi vachiti mhosve ndeyemwana wangu asi indva yemukadzi. Mwana wangu ndiye azonditi mhai virikidzai hembe nekuti mukadzi akaoma moyo iyeye, wanga asingadi kuti nditore mbahla.Pandakambovuya chechi yose yakandipa mari nezvinhu ndikatosiya zvimwe asi iye zvino haa hamuchina arimo, chechi yauraiwa nemukadzi uyu.Akachatisa mwana wake ndipo pakatanga vanhu kubuda ipapo.Yokubhinya vanin'ina vemukadzi, varamuka saka hazvinandaa nekuti uyu mukadzi akamutora iri mvana ine vana vayo saka wakapindira varamu'
Can some translate please for those who do not speak shona