Thursday 10 July 2014


I would like to thank the lady for sharing this very insightful information with us...

Most of you know that Water Masocha's mother was here early this year and was at the Agape services laying hands on the 'Agaped sheep'. On her flight home, she befriended a lovely lady who has never had any association with Agape who on her return from Zimbabwe researched and gave me some unbelievable stuff about her encounter with Walter's mum aka Gogo Agape.

Commissioner Hedwig & Gogo Masocha

Attache Caroline (Stirling) & Gogo Masocha

She wrote everything as recorded in Shona:
I met this old lady who had about 4 layers fo clothes on her. She advised me she had connected her flight from new york. I knew that the flight had not connected and she told me her son  owns new york, it then transpired that the son has a house cosinewyorkin scotland.I will write most of the conversation as it went
'Ndiri kubva ku newyork kwemwana wangu.Umba yake cosinewyoki hombe cahizo.Ini ndine mwanwa wang akaita rombo rakanaka akatorwa nevarungu vakamupinza chikoro. Varungu vakazomudana kuno kuti apedzise chikoro. Saka akatanga chechi yake agape ikakura ikaita mukurumbira pasi rese. Ndakambovuya varungu vaive vazere vachimuunganira mwana wangu vachimunamata asi iye zvino chechi yaparara hamuchina arimo. Pandakambovuya ndakarongedzegwa madrum masuitcase aisafema nembahla asi gwendo guno ndangopiwa tumonarch tuiri badzi. Vanhu havazivi kuti dambudziko rose mukadzi wake. Mwana wangu akanditaurira kuti mhai mukadzi airamba kukwirwa pabonde saka chechi yacho yaive izere mvana dzisina varume saka semunhu wemurume aingono rapira shungu kumvana idzi. Vanhu havazivi kuti mukadzi uyu hunhu hwaanoratidza hausirihwo.Anonyepera humai as mweya uri paari hausiwo bodo.Handina kumugamuchira nekuti yaive mvana ine vana vaviri yaingopinda pinda uyu aive nemukadzi wake nemwanakomana paakaita chihure ichi.Vanhu vapera muchechi vachiti mhosve ndeyemwana wangu asi indva yemukadzi. Mwana wangu ndiye azonditi mhai virikidzai hembe nekuti mukadzi akaoma moyo iyeye, wanga asingadi kuti nditore mbahla.Pandakambovuya chechi yose yakandipa mari nezvinhu ndikatosiya zvimwe asi iye zvino haa hamuchina arimo, chechi yauraiwa nemukadzi uyu.Akachatisa mwana wake ndipo pakatanga vanhu kubuda ipapo.Yokubhinya vanin'ina vemukadzi, varamuka saka hazvinandaa nekuti uyu mukadzi akamutora iri mvana ine vana vayo saka wakapindira varamu'
Can some translate please for those who do not speak shona


  1. I am surprised all these waiting ladies been waiting for ages and the evil stepdaughters are getting married left and right centre.He says no to those older than the evil two at the dad chair but it's ok for the stepdaughters. Some Zimbabweans are stupid
    Heard rumours via Florence that Judith mum in Coventry and she Florence says she is close to them and visited her.That woman is campaigning. But Sharon is gone to what next, Michelle for Tit is that what she is after

  2. Agape is gone financially. Kikiki still going but NO financial input

  3. We were greatly duped
    Just sitting here thinking guys, what Walter said
    1. Jesus said don't call me Jesus, you will be calling Maddona's boyfriend.also don't call me Jesus of Nazareth.god slapped Walter's mouth
    2 no more 'magnify the Lord' which king David repeatedly says in his psalms but God slapped Walter's mouth and told him not say that
    3 you are the tribe of Judah, chikomana chisvibe che buhera, when did you and all the Zim followers become Jewish.making the blood of Jesus of no use going back to old testament.since when?????
    4 an angel came and was typing an epistle and kept putting its angel finger on the computer keys to it didn't lock. Nxa
    5 god told who ever opposed him (Walter) would be cursed, he told the board members and envoys to watch for fire and hailstone ever the sikhosanas, they are still standing and alive today
    6 god showed him someone going to Nandos instead of giving to (non) miracle rain centre, please,Zimba rinoda nyama, of course there bound to be a muyera shumba in the congregation who sneaks away for Portuguese chicken before home to sadza.
    7 trees and rabbits were singing and Walter was Snoop Dogg mixing the beats mudondo netsuro
    8 he used leaves as bus fare after preaching to them kkkk
    9 he used to see Jesus in the sky with all his intestines out smiling at him mumasango eBuhera. Jesus said it is finished on the cross period ko iwe chii.? Visual hallucinations, schizophrenic pervert.yep he is the very same who wrote there is a schizophrenic in every one of us in his self made tool of abuse, the threshing floor.I rebuke that, rather there was one schizophrenic

    Will continue tomorrow digging from my archives like the first disciple Judis kkkk

    What's my nugget - Walter Masochist was planning to rewrite the bible and every agapd Judah tribe tripartite victim would have been forced to buy it at £200 or so apiece and kerching another mansion in

  4. My people perish ...they refuse knowledge shame stereki
